Our dream is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to orphans. We do this by partnering with communities and orphanages around the world. We work in impoverished areas to provide an orphan six basic needs and to see hope returned to children, families and communities across nations. These six basic needs are: clean water, proper food, healthcare, education, job skills, and a loving home.
Why do we take orphan care so seriously? Isaiah 1:17 reads, "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the right of widows." We believe scripture is not merely a suggestion but a commandment; something the Church must rise up and do. Unless someone defends the orphan, they are defenseless. Unless someone speaks for them they will not be heard. We choose to defend them, speak for them, and challenge others to do the same.
Visit us at coreluv.org