Enjoy these words of wisdom, leadership, and encouragement from our pastor.
In response to the question about predestination. "This is a very misunderstood subject to be sure, but I will give you my thoughts based on scripture and not man's opinion." Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's response
In response to the question about Heaven. "Let me discuss some thoughts in an overview concept. (The subject and questions about Heaven are vast, I will try to make this easy)." Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's response
In response to the question concerning the US/World economy. "As I am writing this, the news headline is about raising the debt ceiling limit. Over the past few years, as the American debt crisis has grown, the language of economics has become a part of our daily lives." Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's response
In response to the question concerning the similarities between the Christian and Muslim faith and the situation of public witnessing to Muslims. "I would approach a Muslim in a different way than most people..." Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's response
When God called me to be a pastor, I was so unqualified and fearful. I looked for many reasons to refuse. Now, I often think about what I would have missed had I not taken that step of blind obedience. Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
It's that time of the month again, and I want to help you with some encouraging words on how to navigate the journey we call life. I must start with a question; are you on the path the Lord has prepared for you today or are you trying to direct yourself? Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
Here is a letter from Pastor Mike sharing his heart about how worship is an essential element in the church. "Worship in its truest sense will strip away our religious veneer and get us back to reality". Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
As we enter 2023, I have a question for you that might help you navigate this New Year. Do you sometimes find it difficult to discern whether it is God's voice you are hearing or your own? Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
Amid your holiday preparations and plans, do you take the time to read the Christmas story? Is it still as beautiful and meaningful as it used to be? I hope you don't skip the biblical account of the Christmas story and that you make it the centerpiece of your celebration! Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
As Thanksgiving approaches, I was thinking about my past and remembering how there were people who had helped me move forward in life. One person who stands out in my memory is a man named Phelps Duncan... Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
Let me share with you something I learned long ago. Spiritual success is different from the world's idea of success. God's goal is that we be spiritually successful! Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
In the ministry, I have had times of doubt and uncertainty about meeting the challenge of pastoring. During those times I often would ask the Lord for a reason for my nervous state of mind. I would rest on the fact that He gave me Joshua 1:7-9... Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
When it comes to obedience in our lives, most of us have a tough time obeying. If you are like most Christians, you have struggled with God’s will. Maybe you have asked yourself, “How can I know God’s will for me?” Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
I am writing today to encourage each of you with three, seven-word phrases. But each describes a biblical principle that I believe everyone needs to know in today’s world of challenge and adversity. Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
What are you grateful for today? Daily needs? A roof over your head? At the very least we can usually thank God for these things. Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
The words “I love you” have the power to change lives. There are many people today who are struggling with feelings of rejection. Everyone enjoys being told they are loved. Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
Everyone needs encouragement, especially when dark moments show up. It’s in those seasons or moments in life when we can’t see what is going on, that can be the most distressing. Click here to view more of Pastor Mike's letter
Here is a letter from Pastor Mike inviting you and your guests to "Come And See" what wonderful things are in store for you here at Grace Family. Click here to view Pastor Mike's letter