God's kingdom come

written by: stephen Matthews

God’s Kingdom Brings Hope To The World: 

The world needs hope today more than perhaps, any other time in history. With every passing day we see a growing number of serious issues in our life and society that seem to drain hope from the hearts of men and women who have not yet put their trust in Christ. These are very real problems which are not abstract or theoretical. For the hearts of mankind to change and hope to be restored, there must be an equally real solution which transcends all of these issues and problems. 

As Christians we are in the unique position to provide the world with the message of genuine hope found only in the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. How do we accomplish this? Jesus taught in Scripture that we are the light of the world and salt of the earth (Matthew 5:14-16). This means that in this dark world of hopelessness, we carry within us the light of Jesus Christ which we should let shine on others and illuminate the hope that is found in Him. In addition to being the light of the world we are called to be the salt of the earth. Since there were no refrigerators in the first century, the two primary uses of salt in Biblical times were to preserve food and enhance its flavor. When we apply the principle of “salt” to us today it simply means that as followers of Christ we are to slow down the moral decay around us. We accomplish this by “preserving” the truth of God’s word by sharing the good news of the Gospel. We “enhance the flavor” in the world by demonstrating the righteousness of Jesus (which lives in us) by living lives reflecting Christ and a Biblical worldview. This is what will ultimately bring the Hope that is so needed in the world today. 

We need to share that no matter how things look now or in the future, we find our peace in knowing that God’s kingdom is coming and His will, WILL be done. While our challenges are temporary, the wonderful truth is that God’s kingdom is eternal! He is forever God and is forever our King (Psalm 10:16, Hebrews 13:8). God lifts us up from our sin and circumstances so we are able to rise above them and be overcomers in Christ Jesus. 

It's Only In God That We Find Heart Changing Love And Reconciliation: 

There is a famous classic song where the chorus sings “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love, not just for some, but for everyone”. Those words are indeed very true! While we are being the light of the world and the salt of the earth we must always be pointing others to Jesus Christ because it is only in Him that we find genuine heart changing love and reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). The Lord desires that we first be reconciled to Him and then to be reconciled to one another. This all hinges on every person’s decision to trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and salvation. We can be confident to share that Christ is Lord as the Bible reveals that Jesus is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6) and in the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh (John 1:1-5) so that He (Jesus) would ultimately lay down His life for mankind (John 10:11-18). His resurrection proved His deity once and for all (Romans 1:4). This gives us the confidence to chare Christ as Lord. He is the source of the heart changing love that flows from within us to others and where reconciliation can begin. 

God's Kingdom gives the world hope. God's love gives the world heart changing love. Living out our faith in Christ provides witness to the world of God's life changing impact on our lives and how they can also experience it by putting their trust in Jesus Christ.

Closing Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me eternal hope and love found only in you.  I pray your words when I say "Your kingdom come, Your will be done." Help me to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth that you've called me to be.  Help me to live out my faith to others and be used by you to reach the people you surround me with; that they would come to know you and experience your heart changing love as I have.  In Jesus name,  Amen.